

Let's Talk About Adventure

Here's the thing about adventure: it's a concept that can mean whatever you'd like it to mean. Some of us experience adventure by traveling great distances and pushing the limits of our comfort, while some of us find adventure just steps from our front door.

When it comes to outdoor adventure, however, there seems to be an interesting "all or nothing" mentality permeating the web. It feels as though we're being told that going big—whether that means going into extreme environments or engaging in potentially dangerous activities—is the only option.

I'm here to tell you that going big is not the only option. I love to try new things and experience new places. Those tackling incredible goals (I'm looking at you, Diana Nyad) are 100% inspiring and I'm so grateful to have the chance to follow their journeys. Yet, we don't all have to reach that far to find adventure. We don't need a closet full of gear or stringent training schedules to step outside our comfort zones or push ourselves to experience new things. 

Outdoor adventure is special in that way, my friends. We get to define the experience we're seeking and we have the ability to just go and find it.


So tell me: what are your thoughts on outdoor adventure? Do you prefer all or nothing adventures or do you consider simple excursions to be adventurous enough?