

Some Friday Bridge Lovin'

This isn't really a Follow Friday post, but I wanted to help spread the word about several bridge-related events coming up in the area.Sacramento's I Street Bridge is marking 100 years since it opened to the public. To celebrate, the Sacramento History Museum in Old Sacramento will unveil a photography exhibit this weekend. Find out more here.

Here's a video of the bridge in action:

It looks pretty good for its age, no? This bad boy is sure to show up in my Build a Bridge series one of these days (here's my latest post) . I just need to find the time get out there with my camera.

The second event is next month and it celebrates one of the most photographed bridges on the planet: The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. The bridge is a bit younger at 75 and there is no denying her timeless beauty. The Golden Gate is also on my list for Build a Bridge, so stay tuned for that.

In the mean time, Flickr is a great place to bridge gaze from the comfort of home.

Over Memorial Day Weekend this year, supporters are throwing a huge party to celebrate. Find out more about the Golden Gate Festival here.


On a non-bridge related note, I've entered a few of my photos in an amateur photography competition! The Great Outdoors Photography Competition is judged, but they also have a 'People's Choice' section. I would love to have a few more votes on my entries, if you have the time. Click here if you're interested (thank you, thank you, thank you for the support).

A few of the photos are from a recent trip to the coast. I've finally processed those photos and hope to share more about the trip on the blog next week.


Happy Friday, all!