

100 Days of Discussion Books Are Now Available!

I meant to publish a post about this yesterday, but I didn't. That's because yesterday was quite a day for this little corner of the internet and it had me surrounded by piles of books and boxes and packing materials.

The books officially went on sale and as I began rolling out the shop launch announcements yesterday morning, orders immediately started coming through. It. Was. Awesome.

And, yes, it was awesome to know that so many people wanted to bring more discussion into their lives and the lives of others, but it was also awesome because as every book order notification came through, I found myself celebrating the fact that 5% of proceeds would be going right back into the CYOP Artist Residency.

The first day's sales were strong for a tiny operation like this one — nearly 50 of the 150 books printed are spoken for — and I know this is just the beginning. I'll be spending the weekend packing up more books so I can send them off to their new homes, finalizing the residency application (the application window opens on Wednesday!), and pausing long enough to soak up all of the goodness being shared in our community.

It's easy to focus on everything going wrong in our world today, but it's so important to amplify to good. Here's to doing even more of that in the weeks to come, my friends.