

CYOP #126 - Confronting Stereotypes, Speaking Up + Using Your Craft for Good with Documentary Director Sami Abdou

Photo courtesy of Sami Abdou.

Photo courtesy of Sami Abdou.

We’re wrapping up our final three-part series of the season featuring documentary director Sami Abdou and things get pretty heavy today. You can absolutely just listen to this episode and get a lot out of it, but I really recommend you head back to episodes 124 and 125 first, so you can get more context around Sami’s career trajectory and the topics we’re covering.

On the show, we talk about why, for the first time in Sami's life, he feels unwelcome in the country he calls home, why it’s become pretty much impossible for Sami to create just for the sake of creating, and how we can all use our platforms to do good in the world.


The Creative Digest
(Extra interview snippets + the CYOP Slack Community)

"Never forget your purpose." — Documentary Director Sami Abdou // Art by Melanie Biehle 

"Never forget your purpose." — Documentary Director Sami Abdou // Art by Melanie Biehle