

Friday Favorites + Weekly Wrap Up

Doesn't hanging out at the edge of a beautiful body water sound like a good idea this weekend -- toes in the water, ice-cold drink in hand? I'm thinking some quality river time may be in order.

As we head into another summer weekend, I've put together few fun goodies from around the web + a little blog wrap up for the week.  Enjoy!

Friday Favorites: 

Weekly Wrap Up: 

  • We found a great little place to stay near Glacier National Park, if you're heading that direction any time soon. I love sharing stories from the places we visit, so I hope you're all finding them useful! 
  • Have you ever taken the road less traveled only to find the destination a million times better than you had imagined? I shared our bumpy trek to Bowman Lake in one of Glacier National Park's harder to reach areas this week. I'm here to tell you: it was worth every pothole and mud-splatter on the Toyota. 


Have a lovely weekend, all!  

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