

Road Tripping is For Lovers

Is it, though? I mean really

Admittedly, my husband and I prefer the open road to the confines of a cramped flight, but we have been known to let our true colors shine right on through from time to time. 

We've argued over where to go, when to go, when to stop, where to stop, whether or not our GPS is correct (I swear I'm smarter than that woman. Spoiler alert: I'm not.), what music to listen to and the temperature at which air conditioning is necessary. 

That said, we love a good adventure. We'll be packing up to drive to Glacier National Park in Montana soon and I can't help but think back to our past trips together. While there's always a chance for disagreements on the road, we've truly enjoyed more hours talking, laughing, singing (me, mostly) and marveling at the sights than we've spent bickering. 

We've learned that we're both fairly opinionated (okay, we've actually known that for over 10 years) and that compromise is key. We pack snacks so I don't get hangry (shut up... it's a real thing) and we compile playlists from both of our music collections. I give fair warning well before I have to stop to use the restroom and he gets control of the GPS.

I've found that learning about one another is the best side effect of traveling as a couple. Road tripping, in particular, allows for a slower pace and more time to both listen and speak. We've chatted about things that would have never come up if we weren't traveling. It's as though the open road leads to a more open mind.

So, I say yes: road tripping is for lovers. It's for friends and family. It's for those who don't mind alternate routes and cheesy road-side attractions. It's for people who can navigate around the occasional disagreement. Best of all: it's an incredible opportunity for long chats, the sharing of ideas and a whole lot of laughter.

You can see more of our Montana road tripping adventures here and here.


Anyone out there have a favorite road trip story to share? What about the open road makes your true colors come right on out and shine?

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