

Featured: Remembering Summer in Castle Crags State Park

I'm happy to report that I'm back in action over on the California State Parks Foundation blog today with a guest post about one of my favorite hikes from last summer. After weeks of frosty mornings here in the Sacramento Valley, pictures of bright blue skies and memories of the hot morning sun on our faces are really making my day.

Here's a little snippet:

Northern California winters tend to come on quickly and bring winds, rain and yes – snow – to the region. When the days are damp and dreary, I like to look back and remind myself of fun, warm weather hikes.

For example, this past summer my husband and I decided to hike the Crags Trail at Castle Crags State Park. We visit the area every summer and it had been a few years since we had tackled the challenging trail.

Check out the full post here: Remembering Summer in Castle Crags State Park

Many thanks to the folks at the California State Parks Foundation for allowing me to share some of my favorite park memories!