

Exploring the U.S. Northern Rockies: The App!

At times, technology can be such a wonderful thing.Don't get me wrong, there are times when technology seems to turn on me. You know those days when nothing works: your hard drive crashes, your printer jams and instead of everything syncing properly, you end up with annoying iCal redundancies on your phone?

Well, my friends, today is not one of those days. Today, things are looking up.

I was notified this morning that my latest app, Exploring the U.S. Northern Rockies is officially available in the App Store!

Here's a little sneak peek:

Admittedly, this particular guide is a work in progress. I travel to this beautiful section of the continent often, however, there are a few reviews to research and beautiful scenes left to capture. To all of my readers in the beautiful Rocky Mountains, rest assured knowing that I do realize there are a few gems missing from this app. I hope to make additions and updates next summer once the snow lets up and travel is a bit easier (yeah I'm looking at you, Glacier National Park).

What does that mean for you? Well, if you download the app now, you'll get updates as soon as I make them. There's no extra charge, just more information at your fingertips. Not a bad deal, right?

You can download Exploring the U.S. Northern Rockies for $0.99 right here. If you’re searching the App Store on your phone, just type in “U.S., Rockies, Everplaces,” and you’ll get a screen that looks a little like this:

Speaking of Everplaces, they officially moved out of beta with Everplaces 2.0 yesterday! The new version of the app is beautiful and full of new and improved features. Of course after articles like this, the overwhelming response from users crashed their servers. They're getting things back on track as I write this, so be kind if you head over to check out the changes. The way I see it, having your servers crash due to popularity and heightened interest is not a bad thing!


So, have a look at my latest travel guide and tell me what you think! I'm also excited to announce that my Northern California for Nature Lovers guide is the Everplaces Free App of the Week. You can download that one free of charge right here. Just don't forget to rate and review the apps once you have a chance to check them out. Feedback is always welcome!


Happy Tuesday, all!