

Feeling the (Travel) Love

I have some fun news to share!Last week, I excitedly accepted an invitation from Everplaces to become a featured contributor. It turns out they select ambassadors (folks with interesting places to share) to highlight on the Explore page and they wanted the go ahead to share my growing collection!

Picture me saying "YES!" rather loudly to my computer screen.

Let me just point out that I am in good company on the Explore page. Their ambassadors include travelers with hundreds of entries from across the globe, so it's really inspiring to peruse their profiles. If you don't already have a major case of wanderlust, you will.

As you may remember, I reviewed Everplaces a few #FollowFridays ago and I've since spent a bit more time getting to know its potential.

I still have a wish list of improvements, but overall I really do find it useful. Plus, the process of adding recommendations from some of the trips we've taken reminded me just how much fun we've had traveling.

I'm hoping more people start using the app to save and share their favorite places. Many spots here in the U.S. don't have entries yet, so I'd love to see a better representation of what we have to offer.

The goal of Everplaces is to create an online space where you can get real-world recommendations from people you trust and I know I have readers with amazing experiences to share. Care to join me?

Don't worry, I'll be right here adding new recommendations as travel plans allow.

Happy Wednesday, all!