

My Word for 2016: Methodical

My Word for 2016: Methodical

Whew! I'm still a little sluggish after climbing out of my self-imposed holiday season cocoon. How about you?

If you've been reading (or listening) along for a bit, you know that 2015 was a hefty year for me and mine. Though my word for last year served me well (pun intended), I still felt as though I was operating in a very reactive way. Spending so much time on the road is partly to blame and I think I simply kept moving forward without giving myself the space to put much-needed systems in place that would have made life easier.

So, this year my word is METHODICAL.

Ask anyone who truly knows me and they'll tell you that I'm a standard Type A personality. I make lists, I plan (and sometimes over plan) and the unknown makes me uncomfortable. However, I spent a lot of last year pushing my own boundaries, letting the unknown be more exciting than scary (it worked!) and allowing room for change. It was a growing year, that is for sure.

Now I'm feeling the need to let a least a little more of my Type A self back in. Going with the flow is great, but I've missed giving myself the time to map out both my work and life a bit more. I figure that if I bring some tried and true methods back into my world, I can (hopefully) capture the best of both worlds.

I can't wait to see how this word works its way into everything coming down the line in 2016. It's already been incredibly valuable as I take advantage of my podcasting break to work out a plan for Season 3 of the show.

So tell me friends: have you picked your word for the year?

p.s. Here's a little inspiration from the gal who got this whole "one little word" thing started.